October 17, 2007
Life has a way of continually giving back if we seek knowledge to help us overcome and progress.
Time has given me opportunity to read, ponder and reflect today as I have a twelve hour flight with connections to get home from Ashley’s new home in Woodinville, Washington.
Ashley and Zig were able to fly to Washington D. C. for a week (Zig on business) and visit with Erin, John and Moriah. They had a nice time together and Larry and I enjoyed taking care of Sela, Nina and Rollin for a week. I loved their sweet, energetic little spirits and all the hugs they gave so freely and lovingly. At the close of a busy day, we would lay down together – Sela on one side and Nina on the other side with their arms and legs encircled around my body. I told them we were like an oreo cookie and I was the filling in the cookie. That was our little night time laugh. Rollin went to be early every night without incidence and had so much energy during the day that he kept us on our toes looking after him. How I love our grandchildren. I think of every one of them with fondness and love. They truly do light up my life.
Ashley brought home pictures of their trip. It was so good to see Erin and Moriah in a couple of shots (John wasn’t in any of them this time). Little Moriah is changing so as are all the babies born in 2006. She is a beautiful little toddler now and very bright. Ashley said she repeats any word or words that she hears others say. They all had a little fun with her saying “Yoggie, Yoggie!” They ate at a yogurt place and obviously Moriah loved her yoggie and went crazy at even the mention of it. Erin and John will have to frequent that place again or maybe not!!
We are blessed to have Brant and Ryan and their families with us in the Valley. Little Camilla and Kate being two of the four born in 2006 and Tyler, Bryce, Ethan and Tabitha are a joy and bring such happiness and light into our lives as well.
I guess in this day and time, it is fortunate to have two of your four children living close by in the same town.
I embraced some interesting ideas today which I already knew but were presented in a different way in a little book I picked up which caused me to look inward. One of the first interesting concepts is to be impeccable with your word. The second concept is don’t take anything personally. The third is don’t make assumptions and the fourth is always do your best.
Too often my mind is in turmoil with thoughts as I am concerned about something or someone and I would like to be more tranquil and peaceful in my mind. So much energy is used unproductively and to no avail and need not be. I am making a conscious effort to recognize some of the time consuming thoughts and replace them so as to be more at peace within. The interesting thing is I shouldn’t worry so as everything is so incredibly good for myself and all of my loved ones.
I am reminded of the scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I want to develop my faith to where I replace worry or fear with power, love and a sound mind. That I must do if I am to have His image in my countenance and be seen as He is seen!! Heaven is right within us if we will recognize it and continue to nourish and develop it.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for yet another day in my life.
To All Our Children and Grandchildren,