Monday, December 3, 2007

Mama & Jewel

The day after Tyler's birthday celebration Larry and I got a call from his mother who could hardly talk into the phone. We ran over to her townhouse and immediately got her to the emergency room as she was having a heart attack. It was a horrible three hours as she was laboring so hard to breath and kept saying, "please knock me out." I don't blame her as it must have been a horrible feeling to not get air. She remained in the hospital for a week and is getting better day by day.

Then, Mama called and she, too, was experiencing some health problems. I left for Kerrville and while waiting to get a test on her colon and see the doctor, I was able to help unpack some of her things and put up pictures, arrange her book shelves, etc. Andra came over as well and we spent one night til 1:00 a.m. just cleaning out and arranging her pantry. Mama was so very tired by the time we left that I think she slept or rested for several days thereafter. This was one time that I think Mama was actually glad to see us go!! That is a first!

This has been a few weeks of concern for our mothers. We are thankful for their sustained health.

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