Ryan, Amber, Camilla, Larry and I left Friday afternoon for the island to spend the night at Laguna Bay. We got there and walked on the beach to the Sheraton to see the sculpting competition that was going on. There were some incredible statutes. We enjoyed watching little Camilla at the beach. Like most of our grandchildren, she was enamored with the sea gulls and followed them in hopes of catching one. It's funny how they alluded her just at the opportune time when she was upon them!!
We also went down to the beach for a little while on Saturday before we left for home. Dad and I walked back and tried a little jogging along the way. The beach atmosphere is conducive for exercise with the wind at your back and the waves crashing on the sand beneath your feet. My spirit feels free and I love it.
We also enjoyed a lot of good food from Longhorn Cattle Company, Blackbeards to Naturally's to Marchans. One might think that little Camilla would give us a story to tell but at Blackbeards the waiter literally let all of our food slide off of the tray over Ryan's head who just happened to be holding Camilla at the time and into Larry's lap. We got a big laugh as Larry immediately started grabbing the french fries which landed in his lap. He was ready to go for the ham but we were all laughing so incredibly hard that he let the waiter clean it up. I am catching a lot of flack right now as I must confess I went for the avocado off the table. By the way, our waiter had one too many joints or was smoking something and Amber and I keyed into that early on as we asked him about the tap water being filtered and he gave us this spaced out look like we had asked him who was the President of Uganda or something. Anyway it was a fun night!
Naturally's was our favorite restaurant as there is such an ambiance about the restaurant and you leave feeling clean, healthy and energized. Ryan's Ezekiel raisin bread with banana, peanut butter and honey was to die for delicious and the smoothies were yummie!! "Thank you Ryan and Amber for treating us at Naturallys."
None of us were ready to head back home as we had just too little time to be there but we had a ward party to go to and church on Sunday so off we went!!
Hopefully the contract on the condo will be acceptable. We look forward to creating a lot of memories with each of you, friends and family who can come and experience island living with us!!
SPI Condo from amber on Vimeo.
Here are some pictures we took of the condo, enjoy!
Front Door:
Entry Hall:
Entry again:
Formal Dining room:
First bedroom:
Bathroom in first bedroom:
Second bedroom:
Hall towards living area/kitchen:
Living Room:
Master Bedroom:
Master Bath:
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