Christmas day began with Granny in the kitchen making a hash brown, egg and cheese casserole. Whole wheat biscuits were a must with apple cider. Tyler and Bryce woke up first and stayed in our bedroom until the rest of the family surfaced around 8:00 a.m. The fun began with lots of presents to be opened. It was fun, from a grandparent's point of view to watch the kiddoes enjoy one another and the day in general. We quickly ate and ran over to Jewel's house to sing, "We wish you a merry Christmas," and present her with some crotons, hibiscus, and herbs. Larry and I are going to make her back yard a sanctuary with flowers that Paw Paw liked. Larry and I drove her to the beach on Christmas Eve to see the condo and go out to eat. She was so very appreciate and began to cry today when we sang to her. She said we had made her Christmas.
It was good to hear from Erin early this morning and hear that they, too, were having a very Merry Christmas. She said she was playing the CD we sent her of Christmas songs sang by Alabama especially Thistle Hair The Christmas Bear!! It brought back memories of when she was young herself and at home with Brant, Ashley and Ryan. History just seems to be repeating itself.
A trip to the park was fun. The boys had fun with their roller blades and Tabitha and Kate played on their bikes and the swing sets. We were there a couple of hours and then home to eat, play in the front yard, and sit in the hot tub before calling it a day!
I hope to hear from Ashley and Ryan in a bit and see how their Christmas went.
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