Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 15, 2007 - Happy B-day Ryan

I was in Washington for Ryan's birthday but my thoughts were with him, not only on that day, but on many previous days leading up to and after the 15th. My thoughts wondered fondly back to that special day when Ryan was born. Our little growing family of Larry, myself, Brant, Ashley and Erin was shortly going to include another little boy!! Two boys and two girls - how blessed we were and, at the time, we didn't know that Ryan would be our last child. Brant was six years old, Ashley was four and Erin was a year and a half old.

My journal entry - August 31, 1980 - "I am now in the last month of my pregnancy and feel fine. However, I am really trying to hold my weight to a hault now. I am where I was when I delivered the other babies and still have a month to go! This baby kicks all the time and hard! I haven't felt a lot of pressure yet which is certainly a relief."

Then on - October 14, 1980 - "Today was spent in anticipation of our new baby to come. The kids and I made some Halloween cookies (pumpkins) and when Larry got home we all took them to the new family that moved in down the street and have two children. We also took some to Brant and Ashley's friends Brent and Sarah Baumann. They enjoyed giving their homemade cookies to their friends! We had walked to their houses and when we got home I felt pretty tired and the baby seemed down a little. Later that night I started to bleed fresh blood and had some contractions.

Wednesday, October, 15 1980 in big letters across my journal page - Ryan's Birth!!
"It has been six days since little Ryan blessed our home with his presence and I want to account for all the special events which have happened concerning his presence in our lives. When I got up this morning I told Larry that this could be the day so I called Dr. O'Dell. He said to come to the hospital and he would examine me. We called Mama and Daddy and they came in to stay with Brant, Ashley and Erin. Sure enough, the baby was trying to come. At around 11:00 a.m. Dr. O'Dell undid the stitch and broke my water against my request that he wait because he was in the midst of delivering another baby. As it happened, I dilated to 9 cm so the nurse took me to the other delivery room where I had to do my panting breathing to keep the baby from coming. Through all of this Larry was so sympathetic and helpful. I was burning up so he would put a wet rag on my forehead and fanned me. Finally, after thirty minutes of hard labor, Dr. O'Dell came in and when he told me to push my work began. I guess I must have pushed for twenty minutes or so, off and on, because at 12:36 p.m. we were blessed with a beautiful 7 lb. 14 oz. and 21 inch long little boy - Brant's twin six and a half years later! A little boy! How fortunate we feel. I was able to hold Ryan in my arms right after the nurses syringed his nose. He seemed so big to me and yet so little. Larry held him in his arms for a few minutes also. It's so very hard to express the joy one feels at this time. I felt a surge of emotions flood forth as he entered the world and all I could do was cry with joy. After I got to my room I walked down to the nursery where they let me go to Ryan and hold him. He was under the heat lamp warming up. Larry left to go get the kids and bring them up to the hospital to see their new brother. They were so excited. Brant was glad to have a brother. Ashley was chattering like a magpie and little Erin just looked and was very quiet. I wish I knew what was going on in that little mind. That night Linda Baumann and Kathy Winslow and their kids came up to the hospital. Mama and Daddy were there, also."

After 27 years, the memory remains most clear and I go back to this moment in time each year for each of our children's births. Mothering brought immense joy into my life. How thankful I am to Heavenly Father for showering Larry and I with four precious gifts from heaven who, to this day and forever, bring added meaning, joy and reason for striving to perfect ourselves so we can continue these loving relationships into the eternities.

Happy Birthday Ryan,


October 17, 2007 Plane Trip Home from Ashley & Zig's

October 17, 2007

Life has a way of continually giving back if we seek knowledge to help us overcome and progress.

Time has given me opportunity to read, ponder and reflect today as I have a twelve hour flight with connections to get home from Ashley’s new home in Woodinville, Washington.

Ashley and Zig were able to fly to Washington D. C. for a week (Zig on business) and visit with Erin, John and Moriah. They had a nice time together and Larry and I enjoyed taking care of Sela, Nina and Rollin for a week. I loved their sweet, energetic little spirits and all the hugs they gave so freely and lovingly. At the close of a busy day, we would lay down together – Sela on one side and Nina on the other side with their arms and legs encircled around my body. I told them we were like an oreo cookie and I was the filling in the cookie. That was our little night time laugh. Rollin went to be early every night without incidence and had so much energy during the day that he kept us on our toes looking after him. How I love our grandchildren. I think of every one of them with fondness and love. They truly do light up my life.

Ashley brought home pictures of their trip. It was so good to see Erin and Moriah in a couple of shots (John wasn’t in any of them this time). Little Moriah is changing so as are all the babies born in 2006. She is a beautiful little toddler now and very bright. Ashley said she repeats any word or words that she hears others say. They all had a little fun with her saying “Yoggie, Yoggie!” They ate at a yogurt place and obviously Moriah loved her yoggie and went crazy at even the mention of it. Erin and John will have to frequent that place again or maybe not!!

We are blessed to have Brant and Ryan and their families with us in the Valley. Little Camilla and Kate being two of the four born in 2006 and Tyler, Bryce, Ethan and Tabitha are a joy and bring such happiness and light into our lives as well.

I guess in this day and time, it is fortunate to have two of your four children living close by in the same town.

I embraced some interesting ideas today which I already knew but were presented in a different way in a little book I picked up which caused me to look inward. One of the first interesting concepts is to be impeccable with your word. The second concept is don’t take anything personally. The third is don’t make assumptions and the fourth is always do your best.

Too often my mind is in turmoil with thoughts as I am concerned about something or someone and I would like to be more tranquil and peaceful in my mind. So much energy is used unproductively and to no avail and need not be. I am making a conscious effort to recognize some of the time consuming thoughts and replace them so as to be more at peace within. The interesting thing is I shouldn’t worry so as everything is so incredibly good for myself and all of my loved ones.

I am reminded of the scripture in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I want to develop my faith to where I replace worry or fear with power, love and a sound mind. That I must do if I am to have His image in my countenance and be seen as He is seen!! Heaven is right within us if we will recognize it and continue to nourish and develop it.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for yet another day in my life.

To All Our Children and Grandchildren,



Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 19, 2007 Weekend at The Island

Ryan, Amber, Camilla, Larry and I left Friday afternoon for the island to spend the night at Laguna Bay. We got there and walked on the beach to the Sheraton to see the sculpting competition that was going on. There were some incredible statutes. We enjoyed watching little Camilla at the beach. Like most of our grandchildren, she was enamored with the sea gulls and followed them in hopes of catching one. It's funny how they alluded her just at the opportune time when she was upon them!!

We also went down to the beach for a little while on Saturday before we left for home. Dad and I walked back and tried a little jogging along the way. The beach atmosphere is conducive for exercise with the wind at your back and the waves crashing on the sand beneath your feet. My spirit feels free and I love it.

We also enjoyed a lot of good food from Longhorn Cattle Company, Blackbeards to Naturally's to Marchans. One might think that little Camilla would give us a story to tell but at Blackbeards the waiter literally let all of our food slide off of the tray over Ryan's head who just happened to be holding Camilla at the time and into Larry's lap. We got a big laugh as Larry immediately started grabbing the french fries which landed in his lap. He was ready to go for the ham but we were all laughing so incredibly hard that he let the waiter clean it up. I am catching a lot of flack right now as I must confess I went for the avocado off the table. By the way, our waiter had one too many joints or was smoking something and Amber and I keyed into that early on as we asked him about the tap water being filtered and he gave us this spaced out look like we had asked him who was the President of Uganda or something. Anyway it was a fun night!

Naturally's was our favorite restaurant as there is such an ambiance about the restaurant and you leave feeling clean, healthy and energized. Ryan's Ezekiel raisin bread with banana, peanut butter and honey was to die for delicious and the smoothies were yummie!! "Thank you Ryan and Amber for treating us at Naturallys."

None of us were ready to head back home as we had just too little time to be there but we had a ward party to go to and church on Sunday so off we went!!

Hopefully the contract on the condo will be acceptable. We look forward to creating a lot of memories with each of you, friends and family who can come and experience island living with us!!

SPI Condo from amber on Vimeo.

Here are some pictures we took of the condo, enjoy!

Front Door:

Entry Hall:

Entry again:

Formal Dining room:

First bedroom:

Bathroom in first bedroom:

Second bedroom:

Hall towards living area/kitchen:

Living Room:


Master Bedroom:

Master Bath:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18, 2007 Sitting with Sela, Nina and Rollin

An enjoyable and energetic two weeks insued while taking care of Sela, Nina and Rollie Boo or Buddy!! Ashley and Zig were able to take a week off together in Washington D. C. while Larry and I watched their wee ones. We were happy to do so since these last few months have been rather tiring or should I say exhausting for the both of them and they were due some together time after all these years since their little family began forming almost six years ago. My how time has flown.

We had some fun outtings to Isaquah to see the Salmon run. It was truly an education. These hugh salmon were frantically trying to jump a water fall to get down stream to the ocean and spawn. Some of the salmon were already looking very beraggled and tired from their journey. While there Sela and Nina rode a little train and horses. Rollin enjoyed running all over the play ground and swinging.

We then went to Whole Foods for dinner and a little dessert to cancel out all the good we did with a peanut butter blizzard from Dairy Queen. Ashley gave us the go ahead since it was a special outting with grandparents!!

We watched all of the conference sessions on Saturday and Sunday and we all sat around for the opening of every session and folded our arms in prayer. Sela watched quite a bit of conference and played with Nina and Rollin occasionally. It brought back memories when Brant, Ashley, Erin and Ryan were under roof and we watched conference together.

At bed time Larry or I would read a scripture story and we would say our prayers. Sela says prayers on even days and Nina says prayers on odd days. He was reading and sharing the story of Jared to them and asked what they would do if the Lord came to them in a cloud. Nina popped up rather quickly and said, "I would listen!" Her little mind is constantly thinking. Both she and Sela knew and wanted to tell the story of Daniel and the Lions Den and the one about Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego. Poppy and I will have to do a lot of scripture study to keep up with our grandchildren!! Tyler, Bryce and Ethan did the very same thing to Poppy a while back when he thought he found a story they might not have down exactly - wrong!

Raising children up unto the Lord seems to be a common thread woven into the lives of our grandchildren and that makes us very happy and thankful. I am sure little Camilla, Moriah, Tabitha and Kate and Rollin are sure to follow in their footsteps as well.

While there I was able to clean and organize a few things for Ashley which is what I love doing along with playing and listening to the grandchildren.

Larry helped Zig by trimming trees and mowing the lawn which took three hours. It was a fun release for him and I wish I had taken our camera because Rollin climbed up on the riding lawn mower with Larry and took a few swipes around the yard waving at me while I was sweeping the deck each time he passed until he fell dead asleep. Here came Larry waving at me to come get Rollin. He was leaning back over Larry's arm in somewhat of a comatose mode. It was like carrying dead weight to his crib and he slept for several hours that day. He is a good little sleeper at both nap time and bedtime.

I was thankful Ashley took some pictures of Moriah as she is changing so much so fast. In just a few months she will really look big to Erin and John when they bring her little sibling home.

These are the good years and cause my heart strings to be yanked a little here and there but when I get a little melancholy all I have to do is count my many blessings and I am deeply grateful to Heavenly Father for the continued protection, guidance and love He shows to our family.