Ryan, Amber, Camilla, Brant, Cathy, Tyler, Bryce, Ethan, Tabitha and Kate are all here staying with us for a while as everyone is in limbo until they find places to settle down in. These walls have life again with the sound of children's voices and Christmas in the air. Tonight we watched Brant and Cathy and kiddoes decorate their tree. My Christmas Palm tree was moved to the dining room to make room for their more traditional Christmas tree. It wouldn't be Christmas if the children couldn't decorate their own tree. That is part of the fun of Christmas. The house has a lot of Christmas cheer!! Christmas music and hot chocolate help set the tone for the season.
We will miss everyone this Christmas as Ryan and Amber are going to her family's home in Stockton, CA. We have grown accumtomed to little Camilla as she lights up our life as do Ryan and Amber of course!!! Ashley, Zig, Sela, Nina and Rolling and Erin, John and Moriah are staying home this Christmas. Brant and Cathy and their family will be here with us which will help make Christmas special.
We will be blessed with another grandchild come January. Erin and John's baby boy, who happens to be very active, is excited about meeting his earthly family as he has signs of wanting to enter this mortal existence soomer than later. We are anxiously anticipating and awaiting his arrival.
I couldn't help but shed a few tears at the Christmas devotional Sunday night when the Mormom Tabernacle Choir sang "Silent Night" at the end. My thoughts were with Erin and her unborn baby. How I pray the Lord will watch over her and keep both she and baby healthy and safe. I remember how sentimental I would feel when I heard Silent Night while I was pregnant with our children. It it a touching song about the promised Messiah, our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ. A King wrapped in swaddling clothes!!