As always when studying scriptures, talks, etc. in preparation for institute my thoughts are never far away from those I cherish more than life itself, you, my family. As you have concerns about raising up children unto the Lord in this environment may you take solace in this story from Elder L. Tom Perry which, of course, references the Apostle Paul:
"We were dressed in our home each morning, not only with hats and raincoats and boots to protect us from physical storm, but even more carefully our parents dressed us each day in the armor of God. As we would kneel in family prayer and listen to our father, a bearer of the priesthood, pour out his soul to the Lord for the protection of his family against the fiery darts of the wicked, one more layer was added to our shield of faith. While our shield was being made strong, theirs was always available, for they were available and we knew it!!!"
What a protection it is to travel through the journey of life knowing that a shield of faith is being carefully constructed for your children by you.
Know that each of you are in my prayers daily as I know your challenges are many but your blessings greater because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I pray that each of you feel and know that you are noble parents (every one of you) and you truly are building protective shields of faith of our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ around your children. I know it works and brings peace.
I love you - MOM